Saturday fishing day. Busy waterway. 48 SM; 7.0 engine hours |
It was dead calm at 2130 last night, but at 0130 we were woken to significant waves and hobby horsing of the boat. Checking all of our weather apps all continued to forecast nearly calm winds. I looked outside expecting to see a thunderstorm. Nope, nearly clear night skies. About 0230 amplitude of the waves began to subside so went back to sleep. Sunrise flat calm. POC paddled around the shoreline before we got underway.
POC's paddling adventure |
Easing out of our very private anchorage we were underway at 0930. A few boaters on the water but the volume really increased as the day went along. Mostly respectful. Another sunny, hot and nearly calm day. Winds never above 10 MPH so enjoyable cruising.
We pressed ahead to an anchorage we wanted to try tonight. It is in Deep Creek off of the St Johns river.
Deep Creek Conservation Area The mouth of the creek has shoaled up according to the charts with five foot depth at the entrance. We began our approach from the St Johns river at nearly idle speed, sounding our way. The chart also presents a few submerged obstacles to avoid. We entered at nearly low tide, and the skinniest water observed was 6.5 feet. Once inside the creek depth rapidly dropped off to 12-15 feet. We slowly made our way up the creek. In places there were 20-30 foot deep holes. About three miles in, we selected a position where with limited rode we could swing with the tidal flow and wind changes. At 1615 we set the hook in 17 feet of water. I have attached a trip line to the anchor with a float because I suspect debris on the creek bottom.
(map) Water temperature a nice 74 degrees. There is room for the bass boats to pass port and starboard and several have. Observed small gator near the anchorage. Decided no bath in the creek tonight. Wilderness surrounds us. Night sounds should be amazing tonight.
Splashed the dink and paddled around for an hour. Amazing spanish moss and air plants.
Blooming air plant about 3 feet off the water |
Great air plant descriptions and pictures.
Air Plants
Another perfect evening aboard Serenity. Salad and grill cheese sandwiches. Bug screens installed so crew content and secure.
Serenity anchored in Deep Creek |
1491.1 Hobbs; 2519 SM elapsed
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