CSX bridge, Ortega River |
Leaving the anchorage, wind strong, out going tide made a lumpy and bumpy surface. We headed only a short distance but through a closed railroad bridge to Lambs Yacht center for diesel fuel. Bridge tender hailed on channel 9 and quickly opened the bridge and we scooted through. A little tricky down the long fairway to the fuel dock as tidal current one way and winds opposite. Deck hand assisted and we were good to go. Took on 37 gal of diesel. We are good to go easily another 300 miles.
Underway we reversed our course through the RR bridge back to Ortega river marina and temporary tie to end T. Awaiting slip assignment.
Temporary location for a few days |
POC off like a bullet to Publix only .04 mile away. I finished securing boat, checking and looking over our slip assignment. POC texted and asked if I could come and help carry groceries. I took a dock cart and walked to Publix looking like a homeless person doing the bag drag.
Shelves not totally empty of everything |
We were able to load up on pasta, dehydrated potatoes, fresh veggies, and can goods. Plenty of plain rice to cook in the thermal pot. Maybe I should get a small cast net and add little fish to the rice bowl? Even found a thermometer and a gallon of bleach--both were the last ones on the shelf. Between last week's loading supplies while down south on St Johns river and today, we have a pretty good supply of dry goods. Four or five packages of wheat wraps, 4 big jars of peanut butter, big container of honey, we will not starve for a while. We had stocked up on paper products a couple of weeks ago. Based on the shelves at the grocery store and CVS, if you think you could live on soda and candy--seems to be unlimited.
We have secured Serenity at a nice floating dock slip. Great showers and laundry room.
Crazy headlines |
This afternoon we walked back to the shopping area and got cash from the bank ATM, bought 4 bottles of propane at west marine, health items at CVS and back to publix for more apples, pork tenderloin and cabbage. Maintaining six foot standoff distance from folks, washing our hands and trying not to touch our face, we hope all will be well. Grilled tenderloin on the marina grill which is about 10 steps from Serenity. It is a well maintained and a clean weber.
It has blowed hard today, harder than forecast out of the east. 80% rain and thunderstorms tomorrow. We are waiting out the weather and the COVID-19 threat and give it a few days to see how the world plays this out. Markets crashing, people panicking, general craziness. We have food, suspect water will not be a problem. We are social distancing pretty much as we have for the past 2500 miles.
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