Today's date is 02/02/2020, the first palindrome in 909 years. A palindrome is a sequence of numbers that reads the same forwards and backwards.
Welcome |
In honor of today's special occasion and because God gave us such great gifts and today is truly gratitude, we have parked the day in
LaBelle Fl. We weighed anchor at 0930 after a beautiful chilly sunrise in an excellent anchorage. We listened to Mending fences cowboy church on YouTube while we had eggs and hash browns on Serenity. I had ordered dehydrated potato flakes and they arrived via AMAZON while we were in Ft Myers. Not too bad actually.
We only intended to briefly stop at the free docks in LaBelle, but upon arrival, there were two other boats secured and they helped catch our lines in a stiff cross-wind. A very nice couple from Ontario Canada, piloting a Nordic Tug chatted for a while. Intending only to go to dollar general for ice and fresh items and stretch our legs, it was such a nice day and a very nice old Florida town we decided to enjoy the day here. There are 8 slips at the free dock, a few have water and electricity. We took one of the smaller slips in shallower water.
Serenity at free dock |
Nice and safe place.
Amazing you can stay 3 days. Really nice park/dock. |
Serenity was secured at 1015 and off we went walking to 1) goodwill, 2) dollar tree, 3) save-a-lot and finally 4) dollar general market. Mostly just to look around, but did not find the automotive window screens we were looking for. Returning to Serenity we fixed lunch and just enjoyed the bright clear skies and warming temperatures. Auto zone was only a mile away, so off we went and found the window screens we were looking for. Passed a very nice memorial park.
LaBelle memorial park |
Grilling out tonight, chips and salsa to listen to the big game on the internet if we can stay awake long enough. Planned early departure tomorrow--Lake Okeechobee dead ahead.
Tasty good at the end of the day |
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