Thursday, July 1, 2021

1 July, 2021. Nasty thunderstorms, wind, lightening and heavy rain


3 SM; 1.3 hours

Not so early wake up this morning; normal 0500 up and coffee routine.  Read emails, bible study then the weather check.  Acceptable forecast winds and waves for our planned trip today except for the slowly moving cold front just north.  It should have passed through late yesterday evening, but didn’t.  Radar app showed a sizable storm north but it seemed to be tracking NE and I suspected the heave stuff would clear us to the NE.  Several of the other loopers in the anchorage were all ready heading back toward the inlet and exiting to proceed around to the SW and toward Cleveland OH area.  We continue our getting underway preparations and raised the anchor at 0615 as light rain began to fall.  Anchor up we agreed we would head to the inlet and assess before heading out into the lake.  A steady rain now as we slowly proceeded to exit the small inlet which led into the anchorage area.  Once in Erie Harbor we located the navigation buoys and proceeded to the main inlet.  Visibility was still a good two-three miles in rain when I noticed a large ship along the commercial pier ahead.  Then AIS alerted of potential target ahead.  I thought it was a tug, but checking data, it was the 500 foot freighter beginning to pivot away from the dock into the channel to transit out the inlet.  We slowed to idle speed.  

There is a clue here…

Waiting on a big freighter to turn into channel

As we waited on the tanker, rain intensity increased.  Then I got a text from the looper Sea Moor who was about an hour ahead of us.  We have known Joe and Robin on Sea Moor for over two years and have been hop scotching the east coast together since Oriental ,NC.  Joe is a pretty savvy Captain and they are on their second loop.  His text said it was getting “crappy out here”. Joe is pretty bold and generally moves in weather we don’t.  Kim and I looked at each other as said…wait a minute.  Simultaneously, lightening, heavy rain and strong winds began.  We turned Serenity into the wind and with just enough forward speed maintained our position.  I had the radar on, chart plotter and two iPads with navigation software verifying our location.

Visibility less than a mile

Strong wind and rain

Between the ancient radar, chart plotter and iPads we slowly made our way back toward the anchorage. The inlet into the anchorage is about 50 yards wide, but deep water.  Marked by flashing red/green markers and range markers both visually and on the electronic charts we eased cautiously ahead.  My little 30 year old radar worked good enough it painted the opening and at about 1/2 mile away we could pick out the flashing lights.  Passing inside we followed our electronic bread crumbs back to the anchorage.  With about a mile visibility we dropped the anchor at 0730.  Rain continued for another hour.  Another looper also turned around and took nearly an hour to get back.  I called them on the phone and they reported it was way too rough and rolling for them and they were in a 30 foot boat.  

Once the rain stopped there was still wind—too much wind and it would take a while for the seas to settle down.  Our planned trip today was about 6+44 hours duration.  So, if we left at 1000 we would get there around 1400.  At that time winds were forecast to swing to the north and increase in velocity There was a small craft advisory already issued beginning at 2000.  Another looper report from a 37 foot boat; they said it was a real washing machine out on the lake.  We are staying put.  Weather is bad next 36-48 hours with strong gusty winds from the north.  

I texted my cousin who I knew lived in PA, but I did not have his address.  He texted back and said he was two hours away.  Tomorrow he and his wife are driving to Erie and meet us for lunch.  We have not seen each other in several years.  All of the local Erie marinas are full and there were no transient slips available.   Kim finally got ahold of the state park marina and they did have a slip we could get.  Good to go.  I would like to have the boat a bit more secure than on the anchor since we will be away a big part of the day tomorrow.  Once secured at the marina, we took a hike in another area of the park.  Pretty park.  Today’s marina video

Explore Erie tomorrow, visit with my cousin and his wife.  Saturday boat tasks, hike and watch the fireworks.  Sunday looks favorable for continued travel west along the south Lake Erie shore.

4627 SM traveled; 1837.3 hours hobbs.

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