Monday, April 12, 2021

11-12 April 2021. Georgia like glue—but SC pulled us free

46 SM; 7.2 hours

 Yesterday the 11th, we reviewed the weather and while the winds were at the edge of our comfort zone we only had to travel about 2.5 miles in the exposed waters of the sound. Then we would exit into more protected waters. So underway preparations were made. High tide/slack tide was just before 0900. About 0830 the radio barked a special marine weather statement. Simultaneously I looked SW and saw a big grayish black roll cloud about 5 miles away. So much for another day of marginal risk thunderstorms. No real rain but significant gusts, then steady 15G 20 all morning. Checked in with the dock master and paid for another day. We went hiking the island trails in the morning, then after lunch went sightseeing with the golf cart ending up at Publix grocery once again. More freshies and animal crackers for a treat. Sunset dining onboard; favorable weather forecast for tomorrow. 

 12th. Reveille at 0500 as Kim ran up and down the squad bay banging shit can lids—-haha only the marines will get that one😂. Sunny, 60 degrees and 5-10 mph winds. Filled the water tank, stowed gear and made ready. NW breeze held Serenity off the dock while a nudge from the ebb tide made backing out of the slip very easy. 0855 we were underway retracing our electronic bread crumbs down the Delegal creek and entered the Ossabaw sound. 
Nesting Ospreys Delegal Creek

 Sound pretty choppy as wind and tidal current in opposition. Thirty minutes we exited into more protected waters, while choppy were not uncomfortable. A few inconsiderate captains today who don’t care or don’t know they are responsible for their wakes. Observed an eagle swoop down and grab a fish and fly alongside Serenity. Way cool. Once exiting Georgia the landscape changed with more houses and docks along the water. Several no wake zones which can be a pain to the fast boys, for us minor inconvenience if at all. One particular no-wake zone with many private docks and a high end marina there was screaming profanity on chanel 16. One of the above mentioned captains must have blown through and I saw him coming. It was a fast trawler and he waked us really bad. 

 We encountered a large dredging operation approaching fields cut. A man-made AICW ditch connecting two rivers. I was able to talk to the tow captains over the radio to get safe passage information. 

 Arriving on the north side of Hilton head island in Skull creek, we anchored east off of the AICW. 1600 local we set the hook in 6 feet of 73 degree warm water.  (map)  Flood tide just beginning. Seven foot rise expected. Sunset supper. Breezy but a beautiful evening. 

 2922 Sm traveled. 1560.1 hours Hobbs