Saturday, April 17, 2021

17 April, 2021. Beautiful Waccamaw River


32 SM; 5.3 hours
Peaceful anchorage last night for the most part.  A bit of bar noise on a Friday night coming across the water and the paper plant made a rumble or two now and then.  Anchor up and stowed at 0805 and we eased out of the Georgetown harbor.  harbor anchorage  Easy transition up the Waccamaw river; sight current against us for most of the morning.  Cool, cloudy but nearly calm.  Northeast travel nearly in a wilderness scene of huge cypress tress drapped in Spanish moss,. Osprey nests abundant.  The river narrowed; one of the most scenic travel days in a long time.  

Waccamaw River

Relative short travel day as ahead lies nearly a straight line ditch which passes through Myrtle Beach without any anchorages.  Next anchorage before NC would have been too long of a day.  Passed a school bus ferry.

Sandy Island community

...home to about 50 descendants of enslaved Africans, master cultivators who worked the rice plantations that once thrived on the island. These heirs now own the land of their ancestors and proudly carry on the Gullah way of life handed down to them, an ethic defined by hard work and simple living. Though they carefully guard their privacy, some islanders offer private tours of their homeland for those interested in the Gullah culture and local history. Visitors are also warmly welcomed for services at New Bethel Baptist Church, founded in 1880 and the only church on Sandy Island (Web source)

General store on Sandy Island

We have anchored at the junction of the Waccamaw river and the AICW where the AICW continues NE toward Myrtle beach.  We set the anchor at 1320.  Air 73, water 71 degrees.  This is very stained nearly fresh water; tannins making the water dark brown.  We splashed Kaos and traveled about a mile to a public boat launch facility with docks.  Excellent facility with a restroom and trash receptacles.  Got ride of our trash.  We walked around for about 30 minutes then took the dinghy back to Serenity. 

Enterprise Landing

Grilled on the Waccamaw as bass boats buzzed around like gnats.  Should be a peaceful night once the fishing folks and boaters end for the day.

3116 SM traveled; 1589.5 hours hobbs

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