Wednesday, April 14, 2021

14 April, 2021 3000 miles traveled

46 SM; 6.6 hours

Usual early morning wake up.  Coffee, read, study and check weather.  Late this afternoon SW winds to increase to 15 with gust to 25.  Contemplated remaining at anchorage, but compelled to consider making it across the Charleston inlet—harbor before the winds really cranked up.  As it was getting light it was also dead calm.  Checked a couple of near by weather stations and similar reports of calm winds.  Anchorage video We quickly made ready and were underway at 0745.  We had a couple of anchor options along the way to bail out if the winds increased and we felt the open waters of the Charleston area were going to be too rough.

Amazingly through grace and planning luck, we rode a flood tide for over three hours as we started out. Consistent 8-8.5 mph speed over ground.  Only for maybe an hour was the tide against us.  Many dolphin seen this morning

Major milestone for us—3000 miles completed on our great loop journey.  Today at 0940 at 484 SM along the AICW.

Chart plotter upper right corner--3000SM

Elliott cut is extremely narrow and the navigation guides/charts all advise/warn that passage against the current is not recommended for slow boats.  Tidal current can reach up to seven knots!  Definitely do not want to be backing up.  Once again everything came together and we arrived about slack time and our passage through was a non event.  

We had two more anchorages to chose before entering into the large open waters.  A quick check of winds and tides and we were good to go.  Amazingly arrived at Charleston on the beginning ebb tide as the waters slowly headed to sea and the wind only about 10-12mph and kind of perpendicular to the current.  A choppy and slightly rolling crossing but cleared the shipping channel and re-entered the relative protective waters of the AICW in good order and time.  

Charleston bridge

Charleston skyline

Dodging sail boat race in harbor

We continued a E-NE passage through a long no-wake zone of Isle of Palm, SC.  Pretty fancy place.  Another 10 miles and we exited the AICW at 454.9 SM and proceeded into Dewees creek.

We dropped the anchor in 16 feet of water at 1400.  Water and air temperature both low 70s.  Low tide began soon thereafter.  Wind has picked up significantly with steady 15mph and gusts over 20.  Strong gusty wind forecast all night but severe thunderstorms not anticipated with frontal passage much later tonight.  Hope not


3030 SM traveled; 1575.8 hours Hobbs


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