Friday, April 16, 2021

16 April, 2021. 3rd oldest city in South Carolina

26 SM; 5.1 hours
Beautiful morning tied to the dock in McClellanville.  We took a walk around town before casting off the lines.   

Early morning walk McClellanville 
Working boat

Chilly morning for the south; 55 degrees with a decent breeze.  Winds remain quite strong nearly steady 15 but most of today's route with the protected confines of the AICW.  Marina exit

Soon as we cleared the marina area and entered the AICW I checked the stuffing box and it was warmer that I would like.  We stopped/started every 10 minutes while I checked the stuffing box and during the next hour the stuffing cooled and became wet with water lubrication.  Satisfied we resumed normal cruising speed.  Saw a couple of eagles, but wildlife pretty scarce today.  Too windy?  Great captains call for passing with slow passes.  Much appreciated.  But, there is alway the one---marginally slowed and waked us pretty good.

A fellow looper in a 40+ Carver called for a slow pass and also took our picture.  We reciprocated and sent them pictures and a short video.

Serenity underway
We had planned to anchor in the historic harbor of Georgetown, SC., third oldest city in SC. Georgetown

We dropped anchor at 1300 in about 10 feet of water nearly at high tide.  Air 63, water 70 degrees.  Only about four feet tidal change.  Serenity within sight of, at one time, the world's largest paper mill.  International paper  We secured the boat, had lunch and brief rest then we were ready to dinghy ashore for exploration.  A short ride to the town docks, we secured Kaos and walked about the old historic district.  so much history here; good and bad.  


Maritime museum was a gem and we spend nearly an hour there.  SC Maritime Museum  Amazing artifacts and stories.  Museum is free and we recommend a visit if anyone is in the area.

Fine dinning aboard Serenity as we watched the sun set over the paper mill.  Kinda ugly, but the history of wooden sailing ships in the harbor hauling lumber, rice and cotton and staging where we are anchored overrides the current industrial landscape.

3084 SM traveled; 1584.2 hours hobbs


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