Thursday, April 29, 2021

29 April, 2021. Wind remains the predominate hazard

29 SM; 4.8 hours

 Nice protected anchorage last night--now wondering why we moved. Last night's anchorage Decided to get a few more miles closer to the Albemarle sound.  No improvement in the wind forecast or actual winds.  We figured there was some protection along the 20+ miles of the narrow Alligator/Pungo river canal which comprises the AICW.  Weather reviewed--check.  Boat systems--check.  Crew--ready.  Up came the anchor at 0830 and we back tracked our electronic bread crumbs to the AICW.  First 3 miles were a little sporty as the SW winds were cranking up as we proceeded easterly prior to entering the canal.

Canal generally orientated ENE then turns more northerly.  The new heading was now 060 degrees; winds 240 degrees 15 gust to 20.  We had 1.5 foot wind waves in the canal.

Canal chop
 We were hailed by a tow pushing a barge at the northern end of the canal.  He intended to wait until we exited the narrow with shallow sides canal.  Nice Captain.

Island Girl tow pushing a barge
Our planned anchorage is up the original Alligator river, close to the head waters, at least as far up as we dare to navigate.  Our intent was to find some wind protection as now the weather guessers are calling for 30 knot winds later this evening and through the night.  

We anchored at 1315 in 12 feet of water with the winds early 15 MPH with gust to 25.  Not the best, but reported excellent holding.  Have been here several hours and anchor is stuck pretty good so far.  Anchorage map

Another crazy windy day forecast tomorrow, tomorrow night and part of Saturday.  There might be window of diminishing wind late Saturday.  

Windy app--hope we don't see 40 mph!

We will watch carefully and might attempt the crossing of the sound.  Today, tonight and early tomorrow small craft advisories remain issued.

14 miles across; + 15 each river; approx 45 SM

3416 SM traveled; 1637.1 hours hobbs

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