Tuesday, June 1, 2021

1 June, 2021. Beautiful sights along the Hudson River


41 SM; 6.6 hours
Beautiful calm morning with overcast, chilly skies.  No need to rush; Hudson remains a tidal river and the ebb currents were headed toward the Atlantic Ocean.  We set out on a three mike walk along the paved river walk which parallels the Hudson.  Many folks out running, walking and exercising the dogs.  At the turn around is a sun dial memorial which has a piece of steel from the World Trade Center.

Finishing final preparations, stowing loose gear, disconnecting the shore power and reviewing the un tie the lines checklist, we cast off the lines at 0945.  About one mph of current against us, but not going too far, just 5 miles across the river to Panco Fuels and top off the diesel tanks.  Arriving at the refuel station, a bit confusing as a huge red NY fire boat was blocking the view of the fueling dock.  We figured it out, tied up, secured then took on 34.65 gallons.

Interesting fueling station

Serenity pretty small beside the fire fighting tug
Underway from the fuel dock we still bucked a 3/4 mph current for the next two hours.  All in all, very smooth, nearly calm on the Hudson today.  So much to look at as we cruised north.  As previously mentioned, we passed under the bear mountain bridge which also carries the Appalachian Trail across the Hudson.  We walked across this bridge in 2010 while doing our through-hike of the AT.

AT across the Hudson

Bear mountain bridge carrying the AT

Glacier formed granite 
Up next, the amazing structures build into the granite mountains: West Point.  Impressive structures, history and the people associated with this institution.  

West Point on the Hudson
Next up was a tow pushing one of the largest sets of barges we have encountered since the inland rivers.  The tow captain called me on the radio as we both were arriving at a 90 degree curve.  Tow captain just wanted to ensure I was not in the middle of the channel. We advised we would remain well on the edge of the channel and wait for the tow.  Next was Bannerman’s Castle.  A mid 19 century child immigrant from Ireland who became a famous and rich armament dealer who also build a castle to house his munitions and stores that were for sale. 

One whistle pass

Bannerman’s Castle

We reached our anchorage, across the river from Poughkeepsie, NY at 1630.  Anchorage map  River is crazy deep, often 160+ feet in places; we are 150 feet off of the western bank in 18 feet of water.  20 feet to the east of us is 50 feet of water; west of us is a 1000 foot mountain.  Also, a double train track runs north/south at water’s edge.  A large freight train has passed, suspect it might be noisy at times but light winds and fair weather for the night.  

4099 SM traveled; 1746.1 hours hobbs

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