Saturday, June 19, 2021

19 June, 2021. Medina, NY Sandstone supplier to US and England

25 SM; 4.0 hours

Peaceful night in Brockport except for the 3:00 am thunderstorm with heavy rain.  We were both up closing hatches.  In a few hours it was clearing,  partly cloudy and breezy.  Perfect conditions for an early morning walk.  We headed west on the canal trail for a three mile round trip.  Quick breakfast, fill the water tank and disconnect the shore power cord after checklists completed we were underway at 0835.  Slow and easy morning, but patchy fog and cloudy skies as we eased westward.  Decent amount of SW wind but a non issue on the narrow canal.  There are several lift bridges along the route, reminders of times past and they remain historical.  Bridges are at water level; a quick call on the radio approaching and they are soon lifted and Serenity passes through.  Not far today, another historic canal town to explore.  Medina has free walls with electric and showers.  Lift bridge operator just before town gave us the cell phone number and the bathroom/shower door code.  We arrived with brisk SW winds which might make docking a bit tricky, but we were in luck as the free wall was almost parallel to the wind.  45 degree approach, turn to parallel and the wind eases Serenity off the wall.  Lines secured, diesel secured at 1230.  (Map)

It was time for lunch then exploration.  Medina, NY has a large and vigorous renewed historic downtown. Many of the buildings and gothic churches are constructed from the local sandstone.  Many buildings housing boutique stores, shops and restaurants, while above floors comprised of office space and apartments.  

1st Baptist Church

Located in Veterans park

Restrooms and showers functional, clean and efficient 

Sandstone mining occurred here for 80 years.  Just before town, Culvert road crosses under the canal.  The only road to cross under the canal aqueduct.  It was kind of weird cruising over this road.  On the north side of the canal, Orchard creek runs under the canal and forms a decent waterfall.  We walked there this afternoon after we completed our exploration of  historic Medina.  Many, many opportunities to get goodies, but we passed; except for a single chocolate mint paddy at a local candy shop.  It was very good.  Chicken soup made in the thermal pot and salad for dinner tonight.  Rain started at 1900 with thunderstorms expected later.  Medina free wall video

We are milking the last few miles of the Erie Canal as only two locks and about 37 miles remain.  Terminus located at Tonawanda, NY.  We have parts and mail being forwarded to the post office.  Planned arrival this coming Monday.  So tomorrow, no hurries, short travel day to enjoy one last night on the Erie Canal.

4487 SM journeyed; 1813.0 hours hobbs.

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