Sunday, June 6, 2021

6 June, 2021. Broke Lock 12


11 SM; 2 locks, 2.2 hours

Extremely short day.  Great sleep last night tied on the wall past lock 9.  We got underway at 0720 on calm water and sunny skies.  Serenity running great.  Lock 10 less than five miles ahead.  Before departure we have received an email alert from the NY canal system noting that lock 12 was temporarily shut down but anticipated it reopening later in the day.  We pressed ahead.  Lock 10 was ready upon arrival and we locked through with three other boats.  A lot of logs and tree limbs cluttering up the lock.  Continuing ahead, Lock 11 was around five miles ahead.  Slight wait upon arrival.  Soon doors opened, green light came on and Serenity last boat of four enters lock.  Lock tender informs us that lock 12 most likely will be closed for the day.  Bummer.  Exiting lock 11, the north wall is a short wall, less than three feet above the water.  We docked at 1000, clear of the lock exit. Ahead were power pedestals but other boats had all ready taken.  Eight total boats secured to the wall including a massive $1.xx million yacht on a delivery to a new owner in Canada.


Dam spillway at lock 10

Junk in water approaching the lock

Lots of junk

Approaching Amsterdam, NY

Good news there is plenty of shade to sit under.  Temperatures near 90 again today.  Some breeze but not enough and there is no other boat traffic and no wakes.  Since we were going to be here all day, Kim texted some friends we knew from south Florida who live in Amsterdam and they invited us to have dinner with them.  Done.  Dan and Liz picked us up at 1700 and we had a great visit and meal at one of their favorite local owned dinners.  Great conversation and food.  They took us for a quick stop at walmart, then we really got a treat at the local soft serve ice cream joint.  Excellent.  Back at the lock wall, we thanked Dan and Liz for the great evening.  We sat in our lawn chairs watching a nice sunset at the end of a pretty good day all in all.  Lock wall video

End of the day, lock 11 free wall

Don’t know about tomorrow, lock 12 supposed to be fixed and operating around mid-day.

4220 SM traveled; 1767.7 hours hobbs

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