Monday, June 7, 2021

7 June, 2021. Lock repaired and whole lot of boats going west


21 SM; 3 locks up, 4.0 hours

Lazy morning, no need to go anywhere as the next lock remains closed.  We took a decent hike to town and up a pretty steep street and back.  This section of town looked tired.  And someone or a business put a VW on top of a 80 foot tall smoke stack.

Amsterdam at sunrise

Advertising gimmick

The lock tender where we have been holed up for a day and half, came by and said we could use the shower in his office building.  Nice offer, so we went and took showers.  The lock tender also gave some of us boaters a tour of the equipment and machinery which operate the lock.  Nearly 100 years old, the tender is responsible for day to day maintenance, opening and closing the locks, mowing, trash removal and painting.  A little before 1100 the lock tender said we could leave and the next lock was repaired and inspected and was back in normal operation.  We were underway west bound with about five other loopers.  

Maintenance barge pulling big floating logs and junk out of water

Lock full of water as we exit

Lock empty of water

A full lock

The locks in this section close at 1700 and we would have been close trying to make lock 15 after exiting 14 so we pulled up to the free lock wall about 200 yards west.  No power or electricity, but a double train track on our north side and I-90 on the south side of the river.  Not peaceful rural quiet, but not that bad. Free wall map

 It was time to change the oil and fuel filters.  Once secure, letting the engine cool some, I got out my tools, materials and stuff to do the maintenance tasks and set about getting it done.  An hour or so later, all maintenance complete, tools accounted for and the fuel lines purged of air, the Yanmar engine started on third attempt, coughed, sputtered then settled down to a smooth idle.  No leaks; good to go.  Another unseasonably hot day along the canal.  90 degrees and little wind this evening.  A bit muggy and buggy as we had supper sitting in the lawn chairs on the free wall.  A pretty good day.  Free wall video

4241 SM traveled; 1771.7 hours hobbs

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