Monday, June 21, 2021

20-21 June, 2021. Significant weather, winds and rain halts Serenity

30SM; 2 locks, 5.5 hours

 Easy Sunday morning yesterday.  No need to hurry; location was well secure and quiet.  Coffee and breakfast as we listened to bible study via the internet.  Peaceful morning before the nasty weather arrives on Monday the 21st.  Just found out there is a major air show at Buffalo, NY with the Blue Angles top billing.  So, we are going to stop short a few miles before the end of the Erie Canal and wait out the weekend boat traffic which will flood anchorages and free walls.  NWS has already issued wind warnings and severe weather warning for late Sunday night and through Monday.

Underway at 0845; intentional 5 MPH travel as numerous docks, walls and slow/no wake areas ahead.  No rush, sunny and light winds forecast for the morning.  These last 100 miles westward have been a joy in ease of travel, scenery and excellent accommodations and provisions.  Folks utilizing the canal tow path have been very friendly with waves and smiles.  Lock tenders and lift bridge operators friendly and talkative.  

Corn rows in the distant

One of many bridges over the canal

There were two or three canal towns we could have stopped and visited, but we continued forward to arrive at the last two locks on the canal.  In the olden days, there were a flight of five locks carved out of solid rock lifting barges up over 50 feet.  Today, only two locks, interconnected raised Serenity and crew up.  Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor. Lock 34 and 35 form the stepped arrangement where interior lock gates form the front and back door for each lock.  Westbound we entered #34 and were lifted 25 feet.  Lock door opens and we enter into lock 35 and the door closes behind us.  Lifted 25 more feet, the front door of lock 35 opens and out we go.  Lots and lots of tourists and visitors observing all of this.  Fortunately for us, nearly calm winds, eddies and current minimal so we failed to put on a show for the lookers.

Final guard gate

Approaching last two locks

Entering the lock

Exiting lock 35

Arriving at  West Canal park, only about five miles from the end, we stopped for the day.  (Map) Securing the lines and shutting at 1415, we were assisted by fellow loopers on the wall ahead of us.  Park full of families enjoying Father’s Day.  Multiple cars and boat trailers in the parking lot.  Excellent wall, short and nearly new.  Shallow depth but good enough for Serenity.  Shore power, water and even showers.  A good size county park and the park ranger said there was no charge.  Great place to wait out the weather for a couple of days.  Early evening, we walked to ALDI only 1/2 mile away and got fresh fruit.  

Very nice park for everyone.

Monday 21 June.  Strong storms came through around 0300 as we scrambled to button up the hatches.  We remain safely secured here.  Contemplated moving the last 6 miles to Tonawanda NY, end of the canal, but  strong winds are here now and stronger winds remain forecast along with thunderstorms and rain.  So we are doing boat projects between showers, walking and catching up on delayed other projects.  Intent is to move to Tonawanda tomorrow.  Lake Erie wind/wave forecast is not good today or for the next few days, so until both meet our criteria we are waiting.  Canal park video

4517 SM traveled; 1818.5 hours hobbs

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