Wednesday, June 2, 2021

2 June, 2021. More miles traveling up the Hudson River

54 SM; 9.0 hours

Last night’s anchorage, really close to the freight train tracks, was not too bad.  Light winds and an easy swing north/south with the tidal currents.  Last night anchorage video. Tint of red sky in the morning and rain definitely in the forecast for later today and night.  Anchor up at 0730 as we eased Serenity away from the western shore and back into mid-channel and resumed cruising north.  Most of the morning we rode along with a waning flood till about noon, then slack, then the ebb began and we slowed to 5.5 MPH.  All good as the winds generally light this morning.  Really interesting scenery with the rising terrain, brilliant green, freshly budded trees and massive amounts of pollen.  Serenity is carrying a tint of green.  

Somebody’s castle on the hill?

Catskills in the distant

Very interesting array of light houses along the river today.  Certainly would have been interesting homes with interesting stories back in the day.  Now, automated;  solar panels powering the electronic warning light.  The light keeper and his family long gone.

Hudson River Lighthouses

We decided to extend our day by a couple of hours.  Our intended anchorage was ok, but since the rains were holding off, and the winds were OK with the current we pressed ahead.  Rain is forecast tonight and tomorrow, marginal risk of thunderstorms, so we wanted to get a bit further up river.  We went off the river to the east and have anchored in Schodack Creek abeam Houghtaling Island.  Out of the main river channel and somewhat protected, the anchorage is exposed to north/south winds, but should be ok for tonight.  Amtrak train tracks about 1/4 mile east and we have been serenaded several times so far.  We anchored in 10 feet, nearly low tide at 1630.  Tidal range nearly four feet.  Anchorage map. Light rain has been falling the past hour or so as we made and ate our dinner in a pretty quiet anchorage (except when the train roars by).  A deer was walking along water’s edge as we set the anchor.  Wading birds observed; reported as a great spot to see Eagles.  Anchorage video 

Tomorrow, early departure.  Will ride the flood tide northward.  Big changes tomorrow, but more about that tomorrow.

4153 SM journeyed; 1755.1 hours hobbs


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