Tuesday, June 29, 2021

29 June, 2021. Almost to Erie, PA; but out of NY

68 SM; 9.7 hours,  Middle line US-CANADA border

Weather forecast for this morning was near perfect, except for one pesky detail.  Possible afternoon thunderstorms.   Not a bad night’s sleep along side the old crumbling factory quay.  Up at 0430, quiet and calm.  Coffee, prayers and weather check.  All sources pretty much in agreement and NWS had slight risk for late afternoon thunderstorms.  Checklists complete, loose gear secured, we cast off the lines at 0525.  Easing out of the industrial area and slowly headed south inside of Buffalo harbor, then a sharp turn to NE, we cleared the breakwaters and formally entered Lake Erie.   Water clear and chilly, almost aqua.  

Crumbling grain elevator at south end of Buffalo harbor

Crazy calm to start the day

Dunkirk, NY was our planned destination, 39 miles SW.  If weather conditions held, we would consider continuing another 35 miles or so to Erie, PA.  Arriving at Dunkirk the lake remained benign, but all along the southern shore of the lake, puffies began to build.  They were not yet getting much vertical lift so they were not concerning.  

Building cumulus along south shore

We pressed ahead after checking winds, radar and forecasts.  Still acceptable to continue 5 more hours toward Erie, PA.   About 4 hours out, I noticed a particularly strong build up at 12 o’clock.  It had the earmarks of a developing thunderstorm.  As we continued at our 7 mph speed SW, the thunderstorm developed an anvil, the tell-tale sign of a significant thunderstorm.  On land, a special weather statement had been issued.  We discussed options and we continued to check our weather radar apps.  

A train of storms headed to Erie PA

Most of the afternoon, weather was forming and moving away from the shore and posed minimal threat.  However, these storms were staying on the coast.  So instead of maybe dealing with 30-40 knot gusts from thunderstorms on the open water, we chose to bail to a marina a hour ahead of us.  Diverting as the winds picked up, a quick phone call confirmed we could seek refuge. It was a small recreational fishing boat marina with decent water depth.   So, 16 miles short of our final destination we safely tied up at the courtesy pier.  Serenity secure at 1500.  (Map) It got windy but nothing severe.  Storms forecast for tonight.   Location safe and secure, and there are hot showers too.  Once lightening passed we went to the beach next door and walked into Lake Erie.  Too cold for us to go swimming.  Northeast PA video

Gravel beach

Weather is certainly marginal tomorrow beginning mid day and continuing throughout the day.  We will give it a go at 0530 again tomorrow and if all of the thunderstorms have dissipated during the night time cooling we will set out and head to Erie PA and a good anchorage.

Safe inside the breakwater walls

4604 SM traveled; 1832.9 hours hobbs

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